Tuesday, April 23, 2013

High School Senior Model Program

Calling all "Seniors 2014"!

Have you ever dreamt about being a model?  Are you a Junior in High School planning your  Senior portraits? If you answered yes to these questions you could be 1 of 5 models for Photography by Jaime Rae’s "High School Senior Model Program"!

Who can apply:
You must be a Junior for the class of 2014. You must have high energy,  be friendly, outgoing, and an inspiration to others.  You must have style and confidence in front of the camera.  You must represent Photography by Jaime Rae and no other Photographer at that time.

What you get:

-1 full FREE session up to 2 hours with up to 4 clothing changes. (Value of $140.00)
-3-5 web sized watermarked images for Facebook viewing. 
-An online gallery for friends and family viewing.
-$25.00 print credit with a print order of $100.00 or more.
-A spiral proof book with 20-50 edited images (yours to keep)
-Referral cards to pass out to friends.


If you think you have what it takes to represent Photography by Jaime Rae "Forever in Focus" please send Jaime a photo of yourself and a brief note explaining what makes you a great candidate.
Please send a photo & note to jlitwinski@hotmail.com.

I will pick a 5 names out of a hat.
If you have any questions please contact Jaime at (989) 255-2308 or e-mail at jlitwinski@hotmail.com.

Thank you! I am excited to meet my 5 models!